ALIBI n (=E∞)
multi-media installation, video

A filmed film and (two-sided) space installation - within ‘Theatermodelle’/’Theater models’, an interdisciplinary programme of the Institute of Applied Theatre Studies / Prof. Heiner Goebbels, University of Gießen, Germany - in cooperation with the Masterclass for Scenography / Prof. Erich Wonder, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.
Collaboration with Bernhard Herbordt
- Hessische Theatertage 2004, Stadttheater Gießen - ‘feuer + flamme’ Festival 2004, Kampnagel Hamburg - Plateaux Theaterfestival 2004 - Mousonturm Frankfurt/Main - FJT - Festival Junger Talente 2003 - Offenbach
A surveillance cabinet, which is monitoring itself - until the observers find themselves in a space behind reality, accessible through the sight-shadows (’Sichtschatten’) in their field of view.
Hiding in the shadows ... , in a space behind reality, accessible through the shadows of things.
Collaboration with Bernhard Herbordt
- Hessische Theatertage 2004, Stadttheater Gießen - ‘feuer + flamme’ Festival 2004, Kampnagel Hamburg - Plateaux Theaterfestival 2004 - Mousonturm Frankfurt/Main - FJT - Festival Junger Talente 2003 - Offenbach
A surveillance cabinet, which is monitoring itself - until the observers find themselves in a space behind reality, accessible through the sight-shadows (’Sichtschatten’) in their field of view.
Hiding in the shadows ... , in a space behind reality, accessible through the shadows of things.
[OV, dt.]
[OV, dt.]
nun zur Schaffung Ihres Alibis.“ Sie öffnete die Thür zu einem
versteckten Kabinet, dessen Tapete mit geometrischen Figuren und
mathematischen Formeln bemalt worden war.“
Only 8,5 sqm of total 27 sqm surface area of an average surveillance cabinet/observation desk, as a spatial example/test arrangement, could be viewed out of a fixed viewing point, the eyepoint of the (self-)surveillance camera installed in the upper right corner of this room for instance. What about the 18,5 sqm left?
Could there open up another space in the unseen areas/behind these sight-shadows - a space not expected to exist, unheard-of to be there? Another space adjacent to reality, concealed within the fold of the first one, and so on from one fold to the next, to the folds within a fold.
The camera oberservation of a room always offers an alibi to its protagonist - he was never on location.
An alibi is the attempt to proof that in a certain place at a certain time one was not there.
So: „I´m not there where I´m expected to be, I´m rather not there where I´m not expected to be. I prefer not to, in a spatial sense.“
Alibi n (= E∞) models a space out of fragments, out of calculation errors in its reconstruction and (spatial) mapping. A space that eludes its colonization. A space not construed for presences, but absences, a space that subverts its own reality.
In front of the observation screens, in the folds and sight-shadows of the surveillance facility, standing under its own vague surveillance, traces and findings of discoverers and colonists, fieldworkers and forgers have been inscribed. As a narrative contradictory ensemble these artefacts form a time-transcending figure between Piri Reis (Ottoman navigator who has drawn a detailed map of the Antarctic already in 1512 - without ever having been there, however antedating its actual exploration in the year 1819), Lynceus (the scout of the Argonauts), Christopher Columbus, Gouverneur Leutwein, or General David Petraeus.
wenn es gelingt, was thun wir?“ – „Wir entfernen uns
natürlich!“ lachte der Baron. „Ah, so haben Sie einen geheimen
Ausgang?“ – „Natürlich!“ – „Das giebt ein Alibi.“
Karl May
Karl May
Front-side of the surveillance cabinet
[Installation fragment 1]
Many of our projects build upon the conceptional notion, that perception (of space) leaves an imprint or trace within reality. We understand perception not just as a passive act, but an active way of performing – hence the central role of the spectator (as a performer).
Models allow an otherwise impossible in- or outside view onto something, unhoped-for out- or insights on small exemplary worlds of deviating reality/(-ies), folded into the (one) reality we tend to see as the only one and consider the most probable. a reality nested inside another one
Sehen zweiter Ordnung
we see our work as an exercise in Sehen zweiter Ordnung
Seeing of second order/second-order perception
[Installation fragment 1]
Many of our projects build upon the conceptional notion, that perception (of space) leaves an imprint or trace within reality. We understand perception not just as a passive act, but an active way of performing – hence the central role of the spectator (as a performer).
Models allow an otherwise impossible in- or outside view onto something, unhoped-for out- or insights on small exemplary worlds of deviating reality/(-ies), folded into the (one) reality we tend to see as the only one and consider the most probable. a reality nested inside another one
Sehen zweiter Ordnung
we see our work as an exercise in Sehen zweiter Ordnung
Seeing of second order/second-order perception

Der Betrachter, der die eigene Abwesenheit nicht bemerkt.
Zwischen gefilmter Wirklichkeit und tatsächlich vorliegender Gegebenheit strickt sich ein System von Bezugnahmen und Abweichungen von demselben nach Art eines Fehlersuchbildes; Anzeichen des aus ihren Fugen Geratens der Wirklichkeit.
Der Betrachter, der die eigene Abwesenheit nicht bemerkt.
Zwischen gefilmter Wirklichkeit und tatsächlich vorliegender Gegebenheit strickt sich ein System von Bezugnahmen und Abweichungen von demselben nach Art eines Fehlersuchbildes; Anzeichen des aus ihren Fugen Geratens der Wirklichkeit.

Back-side of the installation
[Installation fragment 2 - dislocated in another part of the exhibition space]